

It has been construed that the social security number is the mark of the beast. Or the mark will be a future implanted chip. Both of these may have some merit in being a component of the mark, but these items by themselves are morally neutral. Having a social security number or a chip in your body is not wrong in itself or anti Christ. Would a loving God allow the mark of the beast to be values neutral? I don't think so. It will be something that those who have kept their biblical sword sharp will easily recognize as being against everything a loving God stands for. Accepting something as legitimate and righteous that clearly goes against biblical teaching such as homosexuality would be a prime candidate for being the real mark of the beast.

The pressure to accept homosexuality as wholesome, good, and legitimate is already enormous. High ranking military officials have had their careers cut short for speaking out against it. Conservative politicians are demonized. Public schools are adopting pro-homosexual curriculum. Anyone who speaks out against homosexuality is accused of being a homophobe and a bigot even though the Red Cross(see HIV,AIDS) does not even want the blood of those who engage in homosexual activity,e.g. "are a male who has had sexual contact with another male, even once, since 1977" Canada already has hate crimes that will cause someone preaching against homosexuality to be arrested. Will homosexuality be the mark of the beast that will not allow you to buy or to sell unless you accept and embrace it?

The pressure to accept homosexuality as legitimate is mounting.

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires," 2 Timothy 4:3 And, so they are! accumulating for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires!